Sustainability & Governance
How does Everymind work with this solution?
Gain efficiency in your day-to-day business with Everymind’s AMS Salesforce team.
At Everymind, our AMS team is like a Salesforce superhero. If something isn’t working as expected, our experts spring into action, applying corrections and maintenance in an agile manner, using the ITIL governance model.
The aim is to handle the management, maintenance and ongoing support of Salesforce applications quickly, minimizing any setbacks to our clients’ businesses. And we do this by keeping them informed at all times, through open communication throughout the process.
These services are crucial for companies using a Salesforce-based information platform, as they guarantee the availability, reliability and performance of applications, allowing the organization to achieve its business objectives more efficiently.
Support for your platform, guaranteeing availability, usability and experience for the business team, as well as small evolutionary improvements that do not yet require a project team.
Availability of a certified team, in a shared or dedicated structure, with a focus on your segment, providing proactive/consultative service and in multiple languages.
Real-time monitoring of the operation’s calls through Salesforce reports and dashboards that can be integrated into your platform.
Ensuring that Salesforce environments are managed in accordance with the platform’s best practices.
How the solution is
applied in Salesforce Clouds.

Level 1
First level of customer service. (business and/or IT team) quickly in order to clarify and/or direct the request to the team responsible for finalizing the service.
Keywords: doubt, orientation, identification and direction.
Level 2
Fulfillment of medium complexity requests forwarded by the level 1 team. Working in a production environment to create or update a new role and profile, change flowbuilders, screen layouts, create reports, etc.
Keywords: analysis, steering, parameterization and contour solution.
Level 3
Level 3 support is responsible for applying workarounds when the cause is not known, in order to restore service to the client as quickly as possible. Corrective actions can be carried out by the team in accordance with the contract and the client’s security policies.
Keywords: specialization, development, corrective action and knowledge base.
Level 4
In the event of the need to call in supplier support (Level 4), such as Salesforce support, Everymind will be responsible for calling in and controlling the incident, but the SLA calculated must disregard the service time provided by external suppliers.