By: Denis Souza

Today’s reality requires competitive organizations to constantly innovate, because the future is today and it is necessary to always go one step further, to expand the capacity to innovate. During my experience at the Tableau Conference 2024 in San Diego at the beginning of May, it became increasingly clear how the search for reliable information is now converging with the technology added by Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a new wave of data and innovation.

Insights Tableau Conference 2024

Increasingly, we can see how organizations have transformed their teams and sectors by embracing the power of data and AI. However, we know that many are still struggling to unlock the true value of their corporate data. Achieving this desired business value requires modernizing the database, allowing it to be separated and processed with analytical tools.

Tools such as Einstein Copilot, which allows anyone to discover valuable insights from their data to maximize the use of Tableau, help companies accelerate their business readiness for the arrival of emerging technologies such as language models and generative AI. Personally, I would add to this equation the fact that security must always be present. This is done by bringing us and the machines together.

People must empower AI

For me, the best technology on the market must go hand in hand with the confidence of having a team of experienced, reliable and present people. So the machine becomes more efficient with the sensitivity of the human eye, with our creativity in solving problems. During the event I noticed global leaders who also share this thinking when we talk about data management and how to harness the potential of AI.

It’s no wonder that artificial intelligence reached the mainstream when it learned to talk to humans. This technology opens up endless possibilities for companies, people, science and creativity to thrive together. However, in addition to implementing new technology, we at Everymind want to help companies hyper-personalize services and redesign operational processes. Solutions such as generative AI are a means that leads us to enormous possibilities. The beauty of the virtual world is that you can model anything, but if it’s not closely connected to solid goals and extensive expertise, it’s just “another cool thing”.