By: Eduardo Nunes

The functions that are directly linked to people are constantly evolving. The expectations of employees are changing rapidly, competition for talent is fierce and companies need to adapt quickly to new technologies and trends. But in the midst of these challenges comes an opportunity: digital transformation and new technologies.

Technology is shaping the future of work, and companies that have adopted new operating models, team structures, leadership, mentalities, behaviors and ways of working are reaping the rewards in the medium and long term.

In this article, we will explore how technology is enabling this transformation and the benefits of adopting a digital approach.

The benefits of technology for Human Capital

Among the most striking and visible advantages are four:

  • Automation of repetitive tasks: technology can free up time to focus on more strategic tasks, such as people development, talent management, work environment, data analysis, etc.
  • Improved decision-making: data analysis can provide valuable insights into the workforce, allowing more strategic decisions to be made in line with people’s expectations.
  • Improved experience for employees: technology can be used to create a more personalized, engaging and efficient experience for employees, from onboarding to offboarding.
  • Greater agility and flexibility: companies that adopt digital solutions can adapt more quickly to market changes and human needs.

Adoption of new models

To make the most of the benefits of digital transformation, companies need to adopt new models, which include:

  • People Centric – a human-centered culture: companies need to put people first and create a culture that values well-being, development, inclusion and diversity.
  • Change Management – agile and inspiring leadership: leaders need to be agile, adaptable and inspiring, capable of leading change and motivating employees to adopt new technologies and ways of working.
  • Ambiguity – high-performance teams: companies need to create cross-functional teams with the skills and mindset needed to exploit the digital world.
  • Upskilling & Reskilling – continuous learning and development: employees need access to continuous learning and development opportunities to keep their skills up to date and keep pace with market changes.

Rethinking the future

Rethinking the future offers a clear vision of where technology and especially Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) can have the most impact. As processes change, so does the work.

It is essential to have a human- and customer-centered strategy that focuses on creating a positive and fulfilling experience for people.

The digital transformation is revolutionizing and impacting Human Capital. By investing in technology, adopting a human-centered and customer-centered approach, companies can create a workforce that is more engaged, productive, resilient and prepared to face the challenges of the future of work.

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